Dr. Susanne Kortsch

University researcher & Academy fellow


University of Helsinki


University researcher
2023-                                                       University of Helsinki, Finland

University project researcher
2023-2023                                                  Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Postdoctoral fellow
2020-2022                                                 University of Helsinki, Finland

Postdoctoral fellow
2017-2020                                                 Åbo Akademi University, Finland

University project researcher
2016-2017                                                 UiT the Arctic University of Norway


PhD in marine ecology                                UiT Arctic University of Norway
2012-2016                                         Supervisors: Raul Primicerio and Michaela Aschan
PhD Thesis: Marine food-web structure and community patterns in high-latitude marine ecosystems


2021                                                            Ecology Field Course (Digital), 15 ECTS

2019                                                            Functional Ecology, 10 ECTS

Other research outputs

Development and contributions to software, teaching material, tutorials and R packages can be found on my github account, click here

Supervision of PhD students

Buse Hacer Uysaler
2024-                                              PhD thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland

Lucinda Kraufvelin
2022-                                              PhD thesis, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Patrick Staahl
2020-                                             MSc & PhD thesis, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Mentoring of PhD students

Andreas Novotny
2018-2021                                         PhD thesis, Stockholm University, Sweden

Pierre Olivier
2017-2021                                         PhD thesis, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Supervision of Msc students

Riitta-Liisa H. Ilvonen
2024-                                             MSc thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland

Tatiana Klein
2024-                                             MSc thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland

Maria Agullo Samper
2024-                                             MSc thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland

Miri Dahlbacka
2024-                                             MSc thesis, University of Helsinki, Finland

Patrick Staahl
2020-2022                                             MSc thesis, Åbo Akademi University, Finland

Amalia Keck
2017-2019                                         MSc, UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Kim Scherrer
2014-2016                                         MSc, UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Funding grants apart from PhD and Postdocs

2020               Heat-selected benthic food webs - collapse or potential
                       project funded by AQUACOSM-plus in collaboration GEOMAR Kiel

2019               Climate-driven regime shifts in arctic rocky-bottom communities: Causation and implications for ecosystem functioning
                       project funded by the FRAM centre in Tromsoe, Norway

2017               6-month full-time working stipend
                       funded by the Fjord and Coast Flagship of the Fram Centre, Tromsø

2016               5-month transition grant after complection of the PhD
                       funded by the UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway


Marie Nordström
              University researcher, Åbo Akademi University

Raul Primicerio
              Professor, UiT the Arctic University of Norway

Tomas Roslin
              Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
              Senior Lecturer, University of Helsinki